Thursday, February 26, 2009

Like back in the good 'ol days...

I don't know about everyone else, but I sure am loving gas prices being low again. This morning as the pump gave it's final drop into my little Honda Civic I sighed with glee as I can now fill up my car for less than $20. It reminds me of the good 'ol days when I was 16. Fresh out of the DMV, just got my license, my Mom would send me to the 76 station with a $20 bill to put gas in the car. I'd head down to the station fill 'er up, and fill up my slurpee cup, all for just $20. I'm glad these days are back. Now the weather just needs to be warm enough for a slurpee!


Until next time...

1 comment:

Robin/Mom/Mimee said...

I always wondered what you did with the change... now I know. LOL!