Friday, October 13, 2006

Midterms are Over

Well its been awhile hasn't it? Basically right now my life consists of school, RA stuff, homework and sleep. I check my email early in the morning and late at night when I have time. Its 12:31am right now; I'm on duty because its Thursday, so I just got done with my second rounds. It was all clear on the homefront, some noise here and there but no biggy. I have a feeling tonight is a 2am caller night though, we'll have to see.

I just finished my midterms today. I've done pretty well on all of them, but I already have round two coming up in about two weeks. I feel like I'm living in a never ending cycle called college.

I am excited about my recent success at a program I hosted for the residents. A colleague and I hosted a program called 'iStress', designed to inform students about stress management. A professor from the CSUF kinesiology department spoke and we served Olive Garden to the residents. We had 80 resident attend, one of the best turn outs so far! It was encouraging to see something you work so hard on turn into a real success.

For now, my main priority is sleep. Goodnight everyone.

Oh, and in case I forget, Happy Birthday to my Dad on the 15th, and my Papa on the 13th! Love you guys!

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