Thursday, June 29, 2006


You're probably wondering why it has taken me so long to update my blog. Well to tell you the truth I've just been enjoying my summer way too much! What an eventful summer it's already been. Between catching up with family and friends, trips to Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, and San Jose, and helping with my cousin's wedding plans; my summer has been packed.

Biggest highlight so far has been the 2006 CRM Worldwide Conference in Santa Barbara. Its all a fancy way that I got to go hang out with some realy cool people in Santa Barbara. The conference was CRM's biggest yet with over 600 missionaries in attendance. I got to see friends that I haven't seen in about 4 years; and also good family friends who have been living in South Africa for a year.

Eric's worship team did a phenomenal job as usual, and the speaker McManus really drove home the theme of the conference of Empowering Leaders: Consecrate.

Hanging with old friends combined with some great teachings by Erwin McManus it was two weeks that tapped right into my heart. I have some pictures on my Flickr right now (look to the picture bar to the right) and I'll be putting more up later.

Until next time.

Credit- Donya J. Walling photography for the pictures.

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