Well... its here, one of the two most dreaded weeks in a college students year...
finals. Starting a week from today I will embark on my first college finals experience. I'm not too worried, should be a walk in the park... I hope. I'm doing well for all my readers, I'm excited to come home a week from Thursday (that's nine days for those counting like me). It will be a great break to have a little over a month off, but I have to jump a pretty big hurtle first. I look forward to seeing you all again. Here's some goofy pictures of how I feel right now.
This is Brianna.

This is Brianna during finals!!!

I love you all.
1 comment:
Lovely hair! Hey check it out! donyajwalling.blogspot.com But I am going to need your help when you come home with a few things. Love you!
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