I have been lucky the past two weekends to be able to travel home and have time away from school and RA work, which seem to combined take all of my time away from me.
August 25th, my Dad flew me (and my brother) home to see my Mom and suprise her for her 50th Birthday. Suprised cannot accuratley describe the scene that took place. Shock is more appropriate for the emotion on my mother's face as she turned the corner of our home to see 40 of her closest friends led by my brother and I, there to celebrate with her.
The pictures show everything (Credit: Donya J. Walling Photography [http://www.donyajwalling.blogspot.com/])
September 1, Jeff's Dad provided the funds for Jeff and I to ride a train home to Chico for the Labor Day weekend. A generous act on his part led to a great time for Jeff, Jesus (a fellow RA from Pomona we brought with us) and me. We spent a lot of time with friends and family for an overall fun, yet exhausting trip. We had quite a few laughs though.
Pictures of the three of us goofing around on Labor Day weekend.
With school back into high gear, its hard to find time for myself. I find any free time is taken up by extra RA activities; such as: supporting my fellow RAs and their programs, planning my own programs, visiting residents, and many other things. I am hoping to find time to update this weekly.
I hope this finds everyone happy and healthy.
Until next time.
Later days.