Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's been a long time...

Well it has been awhile since updated this blog hasn't it? I am now a graduate of Cal State Fullerton, living in Chico with my family. I am currently working part-time at the Greenfeet.com website. I have the Staff Accountant responsible for all of the accounting for the company. It is a tremendous opportunity that I found on a whim. Searching Craigslist.com one day in May I decided to browse the jobs available. I ran across this advertisement for a part-time accounting position that looked to fit me quite well. I figured it couldn't hurt to send a resume and cover letter and see if I could at least get an interview, and some interviewing experience.

A few days after my sister's wedding in May I received a phone call for an interview. Proud to have even received an interview, I went with no expectations except that I would probably not be getting this job. The interview spanned over my education, experience, and a specific focus on the work I did with the entrepreneurship program at CSUF. The interview even included a small exam at the end. I left feeling upbeat, and happy to have another interview under my belt.

Two days later I received a call asking me to come back out to the Greenfeet office. At this point, I was asked how I felt about the position after a few days of thinking about it. Then to my utter surprise, I was offered the position. As I am a month into the position, I am beginning to realize what an incredible opportunity this is for me. Instead of spending a year or two working in a single division of an accounting office, I'm learning most aspects of accounting with hands on experience. During my first two weeks of work I was trained to the level of the employee I was replacing. The next two weeks yielded much excitement as I was asked to take on additional responsibilities that include creating, running, and interpreting a variety of reports. My analysis of these reports has the potential to add value to the company in a tangible way. I am excited to apply the lessons I learned working with small businesses at CSUF and see what I can bring to the table at Greenfeet.com.

I am thrilled at the prospect of this position, and excited to see how it pans out as the economy rebounds and the company continues to grow. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity.

Until next time.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Social Networking

Well I have decided to invest some time in social networking. I have currently joined Twitter and LinkedIn. Twitter is a new phenomenon where people essentially 'blog all day.' Updates are limited to a certain number of characters, and are to keep people informed of your actions all day. Sounds a little like a stalker program, but its all the craze. I follow Rainn Wilson on the Office so it must be legitimate if Dwight invests his time into it! Check out the new sidebar on my blog...it will list my Twitter updates as I make them.


LinkedIn is slightly more professional. LinkedIn is a professional social networking site designed to 'link' people looking for individuals within a certain field. My dad is on this site, as well as several professors and mentors from my University.


We will see if I'm able to keep everything current, but it is good research for my new company BeaOriginal.

Until next time...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Like back in the good 'ol days...

I don't know about everyone else, but I sure am loving gas prices being low again. This morning as the pump gave it's final drop into my little Honda Civic I sighed with glee as I can now fill up my car for less than $20. It reminds me of the good 'ol days when I was 16. Fresh out of the DMV, just got my license, my Mom would send me to the 76 station with a $20 bill to put gas in the car. I'd head down to the station fill 'er up, and fill up my slurpee cup, all for just $20. I'm glad these days are back. Now the weather just needs to be warm enough for a slurpee!


Until next time...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Harper Burwell

I gave Jeff a puppy for Christmas this year. Jeff will not be in Fullerton for the second semester, but in Chico at home. So I decided to give him a little friend to keep him company, and of course remind him of me every time he looks at her. Harper is an adorable little puppy. She is a lab/terrier mix and about the sweetest thing ever. Here are some pictures of her growing so big in the short time he has had her.






Over break the Martin girls decided to get together for a night of BUNCO! Joined by Jessica's roommate Jen and Taylor's Roommates Brandy and Molly, the night was full of BUNCO'S and MINI BUNCO'S! Carly was the overall winner with most bunco's, 6 a record to all who were present. Donya had the most wins, and I had the traveling Bunco. Here are some great photos of us!












Monday, December 29, 2008


Christmas vacation, what a relaxing time. Today I spent the entire day reading; not a textbook or an article, but a novel. What a novel idea! Imagine me, having the time to read a book for fun! I read Cross Country a book by one of my favorite authors James Patterson. It was another great book by Patterson; fast moving, suspenseful, and gripping. I recommend his books highly to anyone who likes mystery books and is looking for a relatively easy read.

I don't know what I"ll read next but I'm hoping to read a few more books before break is over.

Until next time.

Monday, December 08, 2008


The reason I have not updated my blog in awhile is due to the time and effort I am having to focus into my school projects. I have three projects that have required a 28 page effort each on my part.

When the semester is over...I will have time again. Two more weeks...

Until next time.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Well after tests on Tuesday and Thursday of last week and tests on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week I can officially say that I am exhausted. Night classes are all fine and dandy until you have night class three nights in a row and tests in all three. Unless you care to scramble facts in your brain, this effectively means that although you studied during the weekend, the practice of studying the night before does not begin until 10pm.

In my case it actually does not begin until 10:30pm giving me time to eat since in most cases I have not eaten since about 1pm. A good study session is about two hours, so that automatically puts me up until 12:30am. And although its a fair assumption that reading pages and pages of accounting text books would put you right to sleep...it is actually the opposite.

You see instead of counting sheep while I lay in bed, operating break even ratios and the margin of safety percentage invade my thoughts.

My tests are now over, and in theory and thought they all went well (in actuality we will see next week). I now have Saturday as my only day to sleep in. Sunday will be spent jumping back into school work, researching for all three of my class projects which will mean committing a significant portion of my day to the lovely library.

Only one and half semesters left...Only one and half semesters left...Only one and half semesters left.

Until next time...